Posted by Al on March 03, 2014 at 00:57:59:
In your listing of commands what exactly is meant by the note for each command being Internal or External, and how does this matter?
Also, I was running the Recovery Console on an XP Pro machine (HP dv5217cl after the bcmwl5.sys came up as the issue for BSOD. I read it was related to the Broadcom wireless drivers and so I wanted to install the drivers from the XP Recovery Console using a (non-original) XP installation disc. I load Recovery Console, but after putting in the thumb drive and seeing the driver.exe file from the command line, it wouldn't run when I just typed driver.exe from either c:\ or d:\. Why didn't that work? Is there a way around this to get the drivers installed to the host c:\ partition and possible fix this issue that way?
Thanks much.