The description below is from the book
DOS the Easy Way by Everett Murdock Ph.D.

CLICK HERE for information about downloading the book.

Type: External (5.0 and later)


DOSKEY [reinstall][/bufsize=size][/macros][/history][/insert|/overstrike] [macroname=text][...]

Purpose: Loads the Doskey program into memory. The Doskey program recalls DOS commands and allows you to edit command lines and create and run macros. (New with DOS Version 5.0.)


The DOSKEY program is a memory resident program which is used to recall and edit command lines and create and run macros. When it is installed it takes about 3 kilobytes of resident memory. To start the Doskey program using the default settings, enter



/reinstall - Used to install a new copy of the Doskey program. If a Doskey program is already installed, this clears the buffer and installs the new program.

/bufsize=size - Specifies the size of the buffer to be used by Doskey commands and macros. The default is 512 bytes and the minimum buffer size is 256 bytes.

/macros - Used to display a list of all Doskey macros. By using a redirection symbol (>), you can redirect the list to a file. You can abbreviate macros to /M.

/history - Used to display a list of all commands currently stored in memory. Use a redirection symbol (>) with this option to redirect the list to a file. You can abbreviate history to /H.

/insert|/overstrike - Specifies whether the text you type will be inserted into old text or replaces it. If you use the default (/overstrike), new text will replace old text.

macroname=text - macroname specifies the name of the macro you want to define and text specifies the commands you want executed when you type the macroname at the DOS prompt. You can create as many macroname=text definitions as you want, up to the 127 character limit of the DOS command line.


To display a list of all the commands currently stored in memory, enter

doskey /H

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